Well, I've been getting used to a new job, remember? Yeah, I know, not much of an excuse for two full month's absence, but it's all I've got. :) I wish I could say I have tons of great projects to post pictures of, but I've only got two. Hopefully, there will be more in the near future.
My sister, Emily, is leaving on a mission in a couple weeks and as a good-bye present for her two roommates, she "commissioned" some work for them. I made Em some dragon bookends for Christmas this last year (that I still haven't gotten pics of to post...) and her roommates really thought they were something cool, so she asked me to make some for them. Actually, only the one roommate got dragons, the other -- well, pics are below.
This roommate loves pink and bold, bright colors. I took Emily at her word and went super bright! When I delivered them, Em's roommate really seemed to like them, so I guess it worked. I had fun with the rainbow backdrops -- they remind me of thermo images. You know, the one's that you need special equipment for that show differences in temperature through color. Pretty cool, huh? I made them using the same technique as for the faux abalone I used on the bottle I gave my mom (see earlier post). It's all clay -- no paint -- and they have hematite beads for eyes.
Emily's other roommate apparently prefers more mod-ish looking things, and her favorite flower is a tulip. Emily asked me to do a scented oil bottle basketweave like the one I had done for Rachel (see earlier post). I thought black would be nice, but a single bottle didn't seem like enough when the other roommate was getting two pieces. So I did this matching relief sculpture -- it's got a picture frame stand back on it to hold it upright. You can't really see it in the picture but both the flowers and the leaves have gold clay in them which gives it a really cool sheen and depth. I was really happy with the way these turned out, and I'll have to do some more. The bottle is a flattened sphere rather than an actual sphere like the ones I did before, and the craft store had all sorts of shapes of bottles for only a couple bucks each, so my mind is buzzing with ideas. Whether or not I'll ever actually get to them.... well, we'll see, I guess! :)
Oh, and that's a nice glimpse of my really cluttered creation station, don't you think?